Author: Mandy Lewis

Tinearity G1 Sound Generator comes to London

Tinnitus Sound Generator

Harley Street Hearing are delighted to be the only hearing clinic in London to supply Swedish manufacturer Duearity’s tinnitus sound generators ‘Tinearity G1’ to our patients.

What is Tinearity G1?

Tinearity G1 is a small sound generator that generates white noise directly into the ear via the skull, leaving the ear canal free and is used for treatment of tinnitus e.g. as the sound source within Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) and partly as a masker to mask the tinnitus sound. The battery lasts up to 8 hours and Tinearity G1 comes with a charging plate and cable for easy charging.Tinearity White Noise

What is white noise?

White noise refers to sounds designed to mask other ambient noises in our surroundings. It proves effective in diminishing or eliminating undesired sounds and has demonstrated efficacy in addressing conditions such as tinnitus. Its benefits extend to improving sleep quality, reducing stress, alleviating pain, and enhancing concentration.

The use of low-level noise mitigates the impact of tinnitus, offering relief to individuals experiencing the condition. The sound stimulator works by encouraging the brain to interpret the tinnitus sounds as part of the natural background noise.

To be beneficial to your tinnitus treatment the recommended time to listen to white noise is 6-8 hours per day for 6–24 months.

What is Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)?

TRT is a treatment method for tinnitus and sound hypersensitivity (hyperacusis), employing sound stimulation to “unload” the brain and alleviate tinnitus symptoms. The goal of TRT is to minimise the disruption tinnitus causes in daily life by using white noise to reduce the contrast between sound and silence.

TRT incorporates sound stimulation, introducing broadband noise at a lower level, known as white noise. This is coupled with structured counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), where patients learn scientifically supported methods to manage their tinnitus. TRT aims to decrease negative reactions to sounds, such as irritation and discomfort.

Tinnitus Sound Generator

White Noise Exposure

Approximately 70-80 percent of individuals with tinnitus can benefit from TRT. Despite its proven efficacy, the treatment requires continuous exposure to sound stimulation and white noise for a period ranging from 6 to 24 months.

Some patients, however, discontinue treatment prematurely due to reported disturbances and discomfort caused by earphones delivering the noise. Tinearity G1 provides a solution, allowing individuals to enjoy white noise without ear canal irritation, enabling longer and more comfortable usage.

If you’d like to learn more about Tinearity G1 and TRT call us now on 020 7486 1053, or complete the form below, one of our hearing therapists will be delighted to see you for a consultation.

You can also visit here to find out more how Tinearity treats tinnitus.

Tinnitus Tinearity G1 Review

See Matthew Allsop’s independent review of Tinearity G1 tinnitus treatment, and why he’s so impressed with it, the impact it’s had on his tinnitus and how it works. Matthew is the Video Content Manager at Hearing Tracker.

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Make Listening Safe Campaign – UK Launch Event 

Make Listening Safe Campaign Launch

Harley Street Hearing’s Matthew Allsop (Partner), Fiona Butterworth (Clinical Lead for Musicians’ Services), and Matt Frost (Clinical Audiologist) attended the launch event for the UK Make Listening Safe Campaign, the pilot scheme for the global World Health Organisation Make Listening Safe initiative. 

The event was attended by numerous experts in the field, allowing like-minded individuals to discuss the ways in which we can better support the general population to encourage safe listening habits. 

Stephen Wheatley talked about the importance of the campaign, referencing research in 2015 by the World Health Organisation that suggested there were more than 1 billion people between 10 and 40 years old who are at risk of avoidable hearing loss due to noise exposure. A recent update forecasts that 2.5 billion of us will be affected by 2050, which is 1 in 4 of the world’s population.

You can watch Stephen Wheatley’s Sky interview from earlier the same day below.


Mark Laureyns and Amarilis Melendez Medina discussed their involvement from the World Health Organisation perspective and showed their excitement for how this UK-based initiative will expand to more global measures.  

Professor Stephen Dance, representing The UK Acoustics Network, provided intriguing insights on the potential impacts of hearing loss. He also demonstrated a hearing loss simulator, helping to educate the diverse audience on what a noise-induced high-frequency hearing loss might sound like. 

Dr Dalia Tsimpida from the University of Southampton, discussed her findings from several research perspectives and showed this insightful video designed to help people understand the importance of managing good hearing health hygiene. 

The event launched the first theme which will focus on managing noise exposure from headphones – a big task given how many people use them daily. Harley Street Hearing and Musicians’ Hearing Services are excited to support the campaign – watch this space for more information as the campaign gains speed. 

You can read more about the Make Listening Safe Campaign here

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Why Musicians Should Protect Their Hearing

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British Academy of Audiology 19th Annual Conference

Matt Frost BAA 19th annual conference speech

Harley Street Hearing clinical audiologist Matt Frost attended the British Academy of Audiology’s 19th annual conference, at the Coventry Building Society Arena, attended by 650 people from a wide spectrum of the audiology industry including audiologists, researchers and manufacturers.

British Academy of Audiology

The BAA aims to help its members develop their professional skills, provide a benchmark for quality and professional standards, and promote audiology as an autonomous profession. Conference plays a large part in the provision of continuing professional development for audiologists. A perfect channel for sharing best practice, guidance and knowledge.

Hearing Care Practitioners with Hearing Loss Research

Matt presented to over 100 attendees, reflecting on the findings of recent research looking at the experiences of hearing care professionals with hearing loss; for which Matt was a participant. Whilst still in it’s initial stages, the research aims to make recommendations for increasing accessibility and support for hearing care practitioners with hearing loss and/or deafness.

Matt said “It was an absolute pleasure to speak at the BAA. It was great to be able to share the initial analysis of a very exciting research project, as well as reflecting on my own lived experiences as a hearing care professional with hearing loss. The talk seems to have gone down very well and initial feedback has been positive and affirming. Thank you to all those who attended and took the time to speak to me during the day”.

If you have any issues with your hearing one of our highly qualified clinical audiologists will be delighted to help you. Don’t hesitate to contact us on 020 7486 1053 or complete the form below.

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What is hearing loss?

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What is hearing loss?

how hearing loss works

Hearing loss is a prevalent condition that affects over 5% of the world’s population, yet its impact on an individual’s quality of life is often underestimated.

Hearing is a crucial sense that we can easily take for granted. It helps us to effectively communicate, work, engage in social activities and generally navigate day-to-day life. When a hearing impairment occurs, all of these can be heavily affected.

At Harley Street Hearing, we recognise the need for education on hearing loss so that we can all be more aware of the implications the condition could have for our loved ones or ourselves. In this blog, we’ll provide a comprehensive overview of hearing loss, discussing its various aspects, from its causes and types to its connection with one’s balance and the brain.

What constitutes hearing loss?

Hearing loss is also known as deafness or hearing impairment, and it occurs when a person’s ability to hear sounds diminishes. It’s important to note that this can happen at varying degrees, and hearing loss can vary greatly from person to person.

The severity of hearing loss is typically categorised into four main types:

  1. Mild hearing loss (20-40 decibels): Individuals with mild hearing loss may have difficulty hearing quiet sounds and may occasionally be unable to hear softer speech. Noisy environments can pose challenges, but they can typically hear well in quiet, more intimate settings.
  2. Moderate hearing loss (41-70 decibels): Those with moderate hearing loss can often struggle to hear normal speech, even in relatively quiet situations. Hearing aids may be required to help them communicate effectively.
  3. Severe hearing loss (71-90 decibels): When hearing loss is categorised as severe, an individual may only be able to hear loud speech or sounds when it is shouted directly into their ears. Without the use of hearing aids, severe hearing loss will be incredibly debilitating.
  4. Profound hearing loss (90+ decibels): Profound hearing loss leaves individuals unable to hear any sounds without the assistance of cochlear implants or other devices.

london hearing test

A common misconception is that hearing loss is only caused by ageing, but whilst this can be a major contributing factor for many, there are various different causes of hearing loss. These causes can be broadly categorised into two categories:

  • Conductive hearing loss: This type of hearing loss occurs through the blockage of the natural movement of sound within the outer ear or middle ear. This can develop at any point in life due to many different factors such as excess wax, ear infections, injury or health conditions.
  • Sensorineural hearing loss: This type of hearing loss is caused by damage to the sensitive hair cells inside the inner ear or damage to the auditory nerve. This may happen naturally due to ageing, noise exposure, ototoxic drugs or as a result of injury.
  • Mixed hearing loss: If both types (conductive and sensorineural) occur together, the condition is called mixed hearing loss.

Severe vs. mild hearing loss

To better understand the impact of hearing loss on an individual’s daily life, it’s essential to differentiate between severe and mild hearing loss. As mentioned above, hearing loss impacts people differently, and a lot of this comes down to the severity of their condition.

Those suffering from severe hearing loss will notice a far greater impact on the quality of their life, compared to those with mild or moderate hearing loss. Severe hearing loss can lead to a range of daily challenges including communication difficulties, performance at work and mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and loneliness.

In comparison, whilst mild hearing loss still poses its own challenges it may not have such a severe impact. Those with mild hearing loss can typically adapt by employing strategies like using hearing aids and positioning themselves in quieter environments when communicating.

Recognising the difference is crucial when it comes to better understanding an individual’s needs and helping them to communicate. However, without proper management, even mild hearing loss can progress and worsen over time which is why it’s crucial to undergo routine hearing tests to monitor the condition.

phonak audeo hearing aid

How is hearing loss linked to balance?

Hearing loss doesn’t just affect our ability to hear sounds and communicate, it can also have a knock-on effect on other aspects of our lives, such as our balance.

Both hearing loss and balance are interconnected through the vestibular system, which is responsible for our sense of balance and spatial orientation. This is located directly in the inner ear and works by detecting motion and gravitational forces, sending signals to the brain to help us maintain balance.

If our hearing becomes impaired, this can disrupt the signals sent to the brain and in turn affect our sense of balance. Additionally, certain inner ear conditions, like Meniere’s disease, can lead to both hearing loss and vertigo (a type of dizziness) which can have an even greater impact on balance.

The connection between hearing loss and balance overall can affect how well we perceive our surroundings and reduce our spatial awareness, leading to a greater risk of falling or stumbling which can be a major concern, particularly for those with severe hearing loss. Again, this is why it’s so important to book regular hearing tests and seek the most suitable treatment for any type of hearing loss.

Hearing loss and the brain

One of the lesser-known symptoms of hearing loss is that it can have a profound impact on the brain. As the brain is responsible for processing auditory information, when our hearing is compromised the brain is forced to adapt.

This can lead to a series of other issues, such as:

  • Increased cognitive load: As those suffering from hearing loss have to exert more energy in an attempt to process speech and sounds, this increased cognitive load can lead to mental fatigue and a reduction in cognitive reserves for other important tasks such as memory. This added stress on the brain can lead to an increased chance of developing dementia.
  • Auditory deprivation: This occurs when the brain’s auditory pathways become less active as a result of prolonged hearing loss. Over time, this can lead to a decreased ability to understand speech and sounds even with the use of hearing aids.
  • Social isolation: This is a major and concerning symptom of hearing loss which isn’t often realised. However, those suffering from the condition can often find themselves withdrawing from social interactions due to the difficulties communication poses.


How to diagnose and treat hearing loss

As we’ve discussed, hearing loss is a complex and multifaceted condition that extends far beyond the inability to hear. It can affect individuals profoundly in many different ways, and untreated hearing loss can worsen over time, which is why early diagnosis and treatment is crucial.

Whilst there is no cure for hearing loss and the damage is irreversible, the symptoms can be lessened with the use of hearing aids. They can be configured to suit the severity and type of hearing impairment, helping to improve the areas where an individual struggles the most. By reducing the amount of stress on the brain and body, hearing aids can also work to prevent some of the related health concerns and conditions that may arise without treatment.

Booking a hearing test is the first step that should be taken in order to detect hearing loss and devise a suitable treatment plan.

If you are experiencing any balance issues we also offer a comprehensive audio vestibular (balance) diagnostic service at our Balance Centre at 127 Harley Street.

Harley Street Hearing is London’s leading independent audiology clinic, offering private hearing consultations and expert advice from a team of highly qualified clinical audiologists. If you suspect that you or a friend or family member may be experiencing hearing loss, contact us to book an appointment.

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Best Hearing Aids for Background Noise 2023

Naida Lumity Hearing Aids

The number 1 issue for people with hearing loss is hearing in background noise. For the first time, hearing aids have been ‘independently’ tested with sound samples.

HearAdvisor has built an audio lab which allows for independent testing for all hearing aid technology and also allows for the comparison of products using a standardized test battery, which finally allows us to produce some comparable results away from the information we get from hearing aid manufacturers.

Tests have narrowed down the best different types of hearing tech that money can buy at the moment, which includes the prescription hearing aids available in the UK, Oticon Real and Phonak Lumity.

Feature comparison

This will help you to understand which may be the most suitable for your hearing loss and if you watch the video you can actually hear the difference between them.

Real hearing aids by Oticon

Oticon Real hearing aids

Oticon Real and Phonak Lumity are a receiver-in-canal style or RIC, meaning that the main housing sits behind the ear with a thin wire that comes over the front, and the receiver or speaker sits down your ear canal.

Phonak Lumity Hearing aids

These three pieces of tech can be coupled to your ears in a few different ways.

Firstly, and most commonly, with generic rubber tips which can vary in shape and size from an open fit to closed, or even with a power dome or your audiologist can take an impression of your ear to create a custom ear mould. The mould is then sent to the respective hearing aid manufacturer.

This process normally takes around about 2 weeks from start to finish. Your hearing loss is what determines whether a rubber tip or a custom mould is the most appropriate for you. The sound of a hearing aid will be completely transformed by changing this part of your hearing aid, and it can also have a significant impact on how your hearing aids will cope in a noisy environment. Your audiologist will diagnose and select the appropriate set-up for your hearing loss.

Hearing aid colours

The Oticon Real and Phonak Lumity hearing aids are both available in a wide range of colours, and they’re all produced to match different hair colours and skin tones.

They also have a matt finish so they don’t tend to catch the light, and blend in that little bit more.

At Harley Street Hearing we find that the most popular colours that patients tend to choose in clinic are the Chroma Beige with Oticon, and the Champagne with Phonak.


All of today’s hearing aid technology has its own individual fitting range, which is essentially the level of hearing loss that they’re capable of dealing with.

Oticon Real’s are available in various power levels which are determined by the interchangeable receivers that can be changed by your audiologist in clinic depending on the severity of your hearing loss.

They’re available in either a 60, 85, 100, or 105 decibel receiver.

So, if your hearing loss falls within the marked area here, then these hearing aids will be suitable for you.

Similarly to Oticon, the Phonak Lumity is available with various power levels from standard, moderate, power, and ultra power, with the fitting ranges being demonstrated here.

phonak lumity power levels graph

This essentially means that both prescription hearing aids are suitable for either a mild, moderate, severe, or profound hearing loss.

With the main theme being background noise, it’s definitely worth pointing out that Phonak has a very unique receiver-style called ActiveVent that at Harley Street Hearing we are huge fans of, and we’ve had a lot of success with in the clinic.

ActiveVent is a type of receiver with a built-in moving piston that changes its position depending on your specific listening environment, and it diverts either more or less sound naturally down your ear canal or on the contrary, via the hearing aids. In turn, this will change four different things: firstly, how you hear background noise; secondly, how your own voice can sound; thirdly, how clearly you can hear; and then finally, how music sounds when it’s being streamed from your phone.

If you’re wondering if this matters, absolutely.

There are both positives and negatives to having your ear canals either open or closed, and depending on your hearing loss, sometimes it’s beneficial to have a hearing aid that can do one or the other depending on your listening environment.

Which, until ActiveVent was released by Phonak, it wasn’t actually possible. For example, in a quiet environment, you may well want the vent to be nice and open, allowing sound in and out, giving you a nice natural feeling, connecting you with your environment. Yet, when in noise, it’s better to have your ears completely closed so that all of the sound that you hear is via the hearing aids, having been cleaned of background noise.

If you are tempted to buy any products from the internet we would strongly recommend getting your hearing properly assessed prior to ordering anything off the

Hearing aid programming

Being fitted with a prescription hearing aid involves visiting an Audiology Clinic to have your hearing tested by an audiologist. During the initial consultation, your audiologist will discuss the challenges that you face on a daily basis to understand exactly what the hearing aid needs to overcome.

They should then assess your individual hearing loss, including where along your auditory system your hearing loss originates from, and then recommend the most appropriate hearing aids for both your hearing loss and your lifestyle.

The final part of the process involves a fitting of your hearing aids, which should always include real measurements to ensure the correct levels of amplification are being delivered by your hearing aids, and there is a range of other tools to verify the function of your hearing aids, plus a thorough follow-up process.

There are also over-the-counter hearing aids and true wireless stereo technology. However with these, the set-up is all down to you.

Now, one super interesting thing that is really important to share with you is that when we tested today’s technology, these self-fit settings delivered far below the audibility that you’d get from a prescription hearing aid, which has been fitted by REMs, meaning from your perspective, that’s less amplification than you technically get from a set of professionally fitted hearing aids. This really reinforces the importance of an audiologist in the hearing aid fitting process.

Hearing aid user controls

Today’s tech has various different ways to adjust them, either via their respective apps and then a few of them can be manually adjusted by pressing the respective buttons on the devices themselves. One big question, however, is do you really want to be adjusting them?

The majority of patients at Harley Street Hearing want something that they can put in their ears in the morning, forget about, and then take them out when they go to bed at night-time.
On the other hand, if you do want to make adjustments, it’s good to have that backup.

Phonak and Oticon apps give you access to the volume, graphic equalizers for adjusting the bass, mid, and treble, and Oticon gives you access to their speech booster feature, which fully engages the hearing aid’s noise attenuation features.

Phonak takes the lead as far as the app goes by also allowing you to adjust the noise reduction features, directionality, and compression ratios. Plus, one particular feature with Phonak is that if you adjust the hearing aids for a particular scenario and you like those settings, you can press save. It will save your program, and then you can come back to it whenever you like.

The rocker switch on the back allows you to both increase or decrease the volume manually as well. Adjustability is a very personal thing. Some people like to be able to make adjustments to the settings on their hearing devices; others don’t want to have anything to do with them at all. Only you know what’s right for you and your lifestyle. Of course, it’s also important to take into account your understanding of technology and things like your manual dexterity too when making the right decision for you.

Hearing aid battery life

It’s also worth sharing some stats on a couple of other factors, such as battery life, to give you an understanding of how practical these devices can be for daily use.

One big factor is that they’re all rechargeable. So, this means that for the most part, there are no fiddly, wasteful disposable batteries to change every week. Both Oticon and Phonak boast 24 hours per charge. Oticon Real’s also have a disposable battery version if you’d like.

Battery life should definitely be something that you take into account when investing in this technology.

Listen to the sound samples

How was the lab testing  performed? They were all programmed to manage a mild to moderate sensorineural hearing loss. And for the purposes of keeping your criteria strict and comparable between the different technologies, we’ve not evaluated any device’s performance for more severe or significant hearing loss levels.

This has been done mainly as the OTC (over-the-counter) hearing aids and earbuds tested aren’t specifically designed for anything greater than a mild to moderate hearing loss.
It is something that we’ll be doing in the future, so do watch this space.

Now, Hear Advisor recreates realistic sound fields in their lab using a range of ambisonic environmental recordings and multi-talker scenes. The hearing aid recordings are then made through their industry-standard acoustic mannequin and processed using a Hearing Aid Speech Perception Index version two.

This cleverly models the impaired auditory system and predicts the speech intelligibility benefits that you may experience in the real world from each of the hearing aids. If you want to know more about the testing process or protocols, then you can find them over on

Almost 50 devices have been tested using this process with two scenarios. Firstly, a quiet office and then secondly, a busy cafe.

Now, for listening to these files, we recommend wearing a set of headphones or earbuds for the best listening experience. See on the video below at 17 minutes.

FYI: Matthew Allsop is a Partner at Harley Street Hearing, and a content creator for Hearing Tracker, where he shares his honest opinion on all new hearing aid technology. Hearing Tracker is the world’s first truly-independent resource for hearing aid customers. You can view his video where he shares his opinions on the Best Hearing Aids for Background Noise for 2023 below.

So which are better in terms of how natural they sound plus the clarity that they’re providing? Bear in mind that they may all sound a little bit tinny to your ears, as remember these are specifically programmed for a typical mild to moderate hearing loss, and all the tech that you’ve just heard is boosted by those high frequencies.

The Winners

The Oticon Real is coming out on top for all prescription hearing aids based on lab testing, and the Phonak Lumity is a very, very close second, both receiving the Hear Advisor Expert Choice Award for 2023.

Harley Street Hearing is London’s leading independent audiology clinic, offering private hearing consultations and expert advice from a team of highly qualified clinical audiologists. If you suspect that you or a friend or family member may be experiencing hearing loss, contact us to book an appointment.

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Resound’s new era of hearing with Nexia: Exclusively at Harley Street Hearing

Nexia hearing aids

Resound Nexia Hearing Aids

Harley Street Hearing are delighted to have Resound’s new Nexia range exclusively in the UK. If you want to be the first to trial these hearing aids, get in touch with us.

Resound have unveiled their latest family of hearing technology – Nexia. This next generation of hearing aids brings forth a range of innovative features and accessories, promising to revolutionise the way individuals with hearing loss experience sound.

Resound Nexia hearing aidsThe Nexia family introduces four brand-new premium hearing aids:

Nexia Receiver in Canal (RIC)

The hearing aid discreetly rests behind the ear, connected to the ear canal through a thin wire.

Nexia RIE 13

This model utilises a size 13 disposable battery and comes equipped with a built-in telecoil, enhancing its versatility in various listening environments.

Nexia 312

Powered by a size 312 disposable battery, this model lacks a built-in telecoil but excels in delivering high-quality sound amplification.

Nexia micro RIE

Resound‘s smallest and most comfortable rechargeable hearing aid to date, this model is 25% smaller than their standard RIC hearing aids. With a single charge, it offers an impressive 30 hours of battery life, ensuring extended use without the hassle of frequent battery replacements.

One of the ground-breaking features introduced in the Nexia family is the inclusion of accelerometers. These accelerometers intelligently adapt microphone direction based on whether the wearer is stationary or in motion. Additionally, wearers can conveniently answer phone calls with a double tap on their ears, similar to the functionality of popular wireless earbuds like Apple AirPods.

Nexia CROS

Specifically designed for individuals with single-sided deafness. This technology consists of a transmitter that detects sound on the deaf side and wirelessly transmits it to the better hearing ear, allowing users to access a full 360-degree soundscape. For instance, in a scenario where you’re seated on a train with your deaf ear facing a friend, the CROS system will transmit their voice to your hearing aid in your better hearing ear, enabling you to engage in the conversation.


Resound’s Nexia hearing aids excel in enhancing speech understanding in noisy environments, thanks to their signature combination of four-microphone binaural beamforming and omnidirectional listening. This powerful combination provides wearers with a perfect balance between environmental sound awareness and speech clarity, making conversations in challenging settings more effortless.

Auracast LE Audio

One of the most exciting features of the Nexia family is the integration of Auracast LE Audio, a new wave of low energy audio connectivity. With LE Audio, wearers can seamlessly connect their hearing aids to various audio sources, such as stadium announcers, train station announcements, or places of worship, all with remarkable clarity and distinction. This technology is set to replace century-old loop systems found in public venues, offering multiple hearing aid users the ability to connect simultaneously, while also improving sound quality and reducing battery consumption.

Resound’s TV Streamer Plus

Connects to your television and streams audio directly to both hearing aids using Auracast technology. This ensures that you can enjoy your favourite TV shows without disturbing others in the room, all while adjusting the sound to accommodate your specific hearing needs.

Resound Nexia Release Date

The ReSound Nexia family is set to launch in the US in mid-October 2023, with anticipation building for its release shortly in the UK.

If you’d like to find out more about this and all new hearing technology please contact us. See details so far for the best hearing aids of 2023.

Resound Nexia Hearing Aids Review

Matthew Allsop, Partner at Harley Street Hearing is the content creator for Hearing Tracker – the world’s first truly-independent resource for hearing aid customers on Youtube. He gives his honest opinion on all new hearing aid technology. See Matthew’s video on the new Resound Nexia hearing aids here:

Why musicians should protect their hearing

musician ear plugs

It’s crucial to understand that hearing damage is not only permanent but also irreversible. As a musician, your ears are your most precious asset. Your ability to perform and create music depends on the health of your hearing. In this blog, we’ll discuss the importance of protecting your hearing and introduce the Musicians’ Hearing Health Scheme, which offers affordable custom-made hearing protection to musicians.

The Irreversible Nature of Hearing Damage

Hearing damage is unlike many other health issues—it’s permanent and cannot be reversed. Once your hearing is damaged, there’s no turning back the clock. As a musician, your livelihood and passion rely on your ability to hear and create music. Therefore, protecting your hearing should be a top priority.

The Role of Earplugs

One of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent hearing damage is by using earplugs. This applies not only to musicians but also to anyone exposed to loud noises regularly. Earplugs act as a barrier, reducing the intensity of sound entering your ears. This simple precaution can make a world of difference in preserving your hearing.

musician ear plugs

Custom-Made Hearing Protection

While generic-sized earplugs can offer some protection, custom-made hearing protection is the gold standard. These earplugs are designed specifically for your ears, ensuring a perfect fit. This means better comfort and superior noise reduction, especially important for musicians who need to hear accurately in different performance settings.

The Musicians’ Hearing Health Scheme

Help Musicians and Harley Street Hearing have come together to offer the Musicians’ Hearing Health Scheme. This program aims to make custom-made hearing protection accessible and affordable for musicians with clinics located across the UK.

Affordable Hearing Protection: The scheme offers a subsidised audiological assessment for just £50 (+ 25% discount for Musicians’ Union and ISM members). During this appointment, an audiologist creates moulds of your ears to make your bespoke custom pro musicians’ earplugs. These earplugs will be sent to you within a few weeks, allowing you to protect your hearing effectively without hindering your musical abilities.

Expert Advice and Support: If any hearing concerns arise during your appointment, you’ll receive expert advice on further steps and referrals for long-term hearing management.

Your hearing is a precious and irreplaceable asset as a musician. Protecting it should be a priority throughout your career. With the Musicians’ Hearing Health Scheme, you have an affordable and accessible option to get custom-made hearing protection. Remember, preventing hearing damage now is far more cost-effective and essential than trying to recover lost hearing later. Don’t wait; protect your hearing and continue making beautiful music.

To find out more about our services call 020 7486 1053 or complete the form below.

For further details about the scheme and how to apply see here

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Hear Here 2023 – A Night to Remember

Hear Here

A great night was had by all of the 100 attendees at this year’s Hearing Loss Network event, Hear Here. This gathering provided an amazing opportunity for individuals facing the challenges of hearing loss to come together and share their everyday experiences with others who understand their situations. For many attendees, this was the first time they had the chance to connect with peers; often, the only people they had previously spoken to about their hearing loss were their audiologists.

The event organised by Senior Clinical Audiologist Jaspreet Bahra at Harley Street Hearing, featured a line-up of guest speakers sharing their inspiring, personal experiences. Mona Bitar, UK&I Ernst & Young LLP Vice Chair, Sarah Petherbridge freelance disability awareness trainer at Sarah Petherbridge Associates, and Mark Wilson who leads Mental Health and Wellbeing for Ford in Europe.


Attendees also had the opportunity to interact with representatives from leading hearing tech manufacturers, including Medel, Resound, Phonak, and Widex. These experts were on hand to answer any questions and provide information about the latest advancements in hearing technology.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Ernst and Young for graciously hosting the event at their impressive venue, 1 More London Place, London, SE1 2AF.

About Hear Here

Established in 2016 by London’s largest independent hearing clinic – Harley Street Hearing, Hear Here events offer a safe and supportive space for professionals with hearing loss to share experiences, triumphs, and tips on thriving in the workplace whilst having a hearing impairment. Exchanging invaluable insights with peers who have overcome similar obstacles and gain practical strategies to enhance personal and professional growth.

This community-driven initiative aims to celebrate the strengths and resilience of individuals with hearing loss, fostering an environment where everyone’s voice is heard. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your career, you’ll find inspiration, encouragement, and a network of peers who are ready to uplift and empower you.

“The idea for ‘Hear Here’ was inspired by a young patient with progressive hearing loss, who felt a sense of isolation and a lack of connection with others who shared her struggles. ‘Hear Here’ provides a welcoming environment for discussions surrounding the unique challenges and accomplishments tied to hearing loss in work settings. Through this platform, we seek to create a more inclusive professional environment, where individuals can come together to share, learn, and collectively strive for a workplace environment that embraces diversity and accessibility.” said Jaspreet Bahra, Senior Clinical Audiologist

If you are a professional facing the unique challenges of hearing loss and would like to join the Hearing Loss Network to receive invitations to future events like Hear Here, please don’t hesitate to email Hear Here here. We look forward to welcoming you to our community and sharing more enriching experiences in the future. Together, we can continue to raise awareness, provide support, and celebrate the resilience of those living with hearing loss.

Phonak Lumity NEW hearing aid models added to their platform

Naida Lumity Hearing Aids

Phonak announce new hearing aid models to add to their new Lumity platform:

Naida – behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid

Phonak’s most powerful hearing device, robust and reliable, allowing you to embrace all opportunities and navigate conversations with confidence.

Sky – behind-the-ear paediatric hearing aid

Children spend nearly 90% of their elementary school day exposed to speech in noisy environments. This is why Sky Lumity (L) hearing aids incorporate cutting-edge technology designed exclusively for kids, prioritising speech understanding in noise. Children can effortlessly engage with others, whether close together or on the move. Now available in a 14 different colours.

CROS hearing aid – to manage single-sided deafness

CROS Lumity is a solution for you if you have unaidable hearing in one ear and normal hearing or an aidable hearing loss in your better hearing ear. It will transmit the the sounds and voices from the ear you cannot hear in to the ear you can so your hearing ear can pick up sounds from both sides.

All of these types of hearing aids include the following new features:

SmartSpeech Technology which runs under their new automatic program, AutoSense 5.0. This scans your environment 700 times per second and automatically adapts to your unique listening situation.

Phonak Stereo Zoom 2.0 directional microphone technology gives you a greater awareness of your environmental sounds as well as the person in front of you when surrounding noise levels are a little bit lower. And then, if  the noise levels pick up, then there’s a gradual focus on the person in front of you.

Phonak Speech Sensor – a 360-degree speech detection algorithm designed to improve your hearing of conversations from the right, the left, or even behind you. Phonak state from their research that 80% of conversations generally come from in front of us, with the other 20% from either behind or the side. This new feature is designed to identify conversations happening close by from all other directions and then open up the beamformer in a noisy environment to a more omnidirectional setting, allowing you to pick up that speech without you necessarily needing to look at the person speaking.

Contact us online or call us on 020 7486 1053 to find out more or book an appointment.

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Phonak new Lumity Hearing Aids Review

Matthew Allsop is a Partner at Harley Street Hearing, and a content creator for Hearing Tracker, where he shares his honest opinion on all new hearing aid technology. Hearing Tracker is the world’s first truly-independent resource for hearing aid customers. You can view his video where he shares his opinions on Phonak’s new Lumity hearing technology below.


Signia’s IX Hearing Aids Excel in Speech Clarity

2023 Signia IX 14

Signia’s New Charge&Go IX Hearing Aids Excel in Speech Clarity in Noisy Group Conversations – even when people move or change positions.

Unlike traditional hearing aids, with Integrated Xperience breakthrough technology these Signia IX hearing aids quickly adapt to multiple speakers, isolating and enhancing each person’s voice while reducing background noise, even when the wearer isn’t facing the speaker.

Conversations are essential to our well-being
Conversations and social interactions with our loved ones and friends are essential to our well-being and to keep our brains healthy.

“Integrated Xperience is about more than just hearing better. It is about giving hearing aid wearers the confidence to engage, interact, and contribute, especially in noisy group conversations. They don’t have to observe from the sidelines anymore. No other hearing aid can track and enhance multiple speakers in real-time,” explains Jens Moeller, Global Head of Signia brand.

How does it work?
Signia’s Integrated Xperience features an all new RealTime Conversation Enhancement technology that analyses, augments, and adapts to the dynamic flow of conversations. In a study investigating speech performance in a group conversation scenario, Signia Integrated Xperience provided a significant improvement in speech understanding for the hearing aid wearer. 95% of the participants showed better performance with RealTime Conversation Enhancement than without*1.

With Integrated Xperience, 192,000 data points are analysed and processed every second to create one live auditory space that adapts in real-time as the conversation evolves. This technology ensures that wearers can actively engage in group discussions with clarity and immersion.

Pure Charge&Go IX

The Pure Charge&Go IX hearing aid boasts up to 24 hours of runtime on a single charge and includes a wireless charging case for convenience. Hearing aid wearers can choose their preferred style in ten colours Black, Graphite, Dark Champagne, Silver, Pearl White, Fine Gold, Deep Brown, Sandy Brown, Rose Gold, and Beige.

The Pure Charge&Go IX also provides convenient connectivity to iOS devices and Android smartphones that offer Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids. The Pure Charge&Go IX is designed to fit snugly into the ear and pairs with a user-friendly mobile app that allows wearers to adjust settings unique to their hearing needs, making every conversation count.

 Silk Charge&Go IX – The Ultimate in Discretion and Clarity

As the world’s first and only ready-to-wear rechargeable Completely-in-Canal (CIC) hearing aid, Silk Charge&Go IX seamlessly integrates into hearing aid wearers’ daily lives. It is a small and unobtrusive option for hearing aid wearers looking for a virtually invisible hearing aid that fits instantly and can be ordered with custom tip options for the ideal blend of discretion and personalisation.

The Silk Charge&Go IX Charger, featuring a built-in power bank, provides on-the-go charging convenience. Wearers can enjoy uninterrupted hearing with 24 hours of runtime from a single charge. It is available in Black and Mocha exterior colours, with the option for Red Transparent or Blue Transparent shells.

Hearing Loss Facts

Today, more than 1.6 billion people worldwide are affected by hearing loss, with around 430 million experiencing a severe form that requires intervention. According to the World Health Organisation, the number of people with hearing loss is projected to reach 2.5 billion by 2050, with at least 700 million facing a disabling condition. Remarkably, less than 20% of those who require treatment have access to hearing aids, despite the significant negative impact (social isolation and loneliness, higher risk of developing dementia and higher risk of unemployment *2, that hearing loss has on both individuals and society as a whole.

*1 Jensen et al. (2023). Power the conversation with Signia Integrated Xperience and RealTime Conversation Enhancement. Signia White Paper

*2 World Health Organisation, Hopkins Medicine

Contact us online or call us on 020 7486 1053 to find out more or book an appointment.

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Signia new Charge&Go IX Review

Matthew Allsop is a Partner at Harley Street Hearing, and a content creator for Hearing Tracker, where he shares his honest opinion on all new hearing aid technology. Hearing Tracker is the world’s first truly-independent resource for hearing aid customers. You can view his video where he shares his opinions on Signia’s new IX  hearing technology below.